Howlite crystal is a calcium borosilicate hydroxide mineral that belongs to the borate class of minerals. It is a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness of 3.5, and is typically found in white or grey color with streaks or veins of black or grey running through it. This unique appearance has led to howlite being often mistaken for other stones such as white turquoise or white buffalo turquoise, but it is a distinct mineral in its own right. Howlite is often used in jewelry making, as well as in decorative items and spiritual practices due to its calming and stress-relieving properties.

Howlite is commonly found in Canada, specifically in Nova Scotia, as well as in parts of the United States, such as California. It can also be found in parts of Germany and Turkey. The stone was first discovered in Nova Scotia by Henry How, a Canadian chemist, geologist, and mineralogist, in 1868. Howlite is often dyed to resemble other stones, such as turquoise, due to its porous nature, which allows it to absorb dyes easily. This has led to an increase in its popularity in the jewelry industry, as it can be used as a more affordable alternative to other stones.

Key Takeaways

  • Howlite crystal is a white or grey stone with marbled veins, often used for its calming properties.
  • Howlite crystal is named after Henry How, a 19th-century mineralogist from Nova Scotia.
  • Metaphysically, howlite crystal is believed to aid in reducing stress, anxiety, and anger, and promoting emotional healing.
  • Howlite crystal can be used in the form of jewelry, meditation stones, or placed in living spaces for its calming effects.
  • Howlite crystal can be found in specialty crystal shops, online retailers, and at metaphysical stores for purchase.

The History and Origins of Howlite Crystal

The history of howlite crystal dates back to its discovery in 1868 by Henry How in Nova Scotia, Canada. How was a chemist, geologist, and mineralogist who first identified the mineral and named it after himself. The mineral was officially named “howlite” in 1868 by James Dwight Dana, an American geologist and mineralogist, in honor of Henry How’s discovery. Howlite has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for its healing properties and has been incorporated into jewelry and decorative items for just as long.

In addition to its use in jewelry and decorative items, howlite has also been used in spiritual practices for its calming and stress-relieving properties. It is often used in meditation practices to help quiet the mind and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Howlite has also been used in crystal healing to help alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as to promote emotional healing and balance. Its unique appearance and metaphysical properties have made it a popular choice for those seeking to incorporate crystals into their spiritual and healing practices.

The Metaphysical Properties of Howlite Crystal

Howlite crystal is believed to have several metaphysical properties that make it a popular choice for those seeking emotional healing and balance. It is often associated with calming the mind and reducing stress and anxiety. Howlite is believed to help quiet the mind and promote a sense of peace and tranquility, making it an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual practices. It is also believed to promote emotional healing and balance, helping to release negative emotions and promote a sense of inner peace.

In addition to its calming properties, howlite is also believed to promote positive communication and self-expression. It is often used to help facilitate open and honest communication, as well as to promote self-awareness and self-expression. Howlite is also believed to help reduce anger and aggression, promoting a sense of patience and understanding. It is often used in crystal healing to help alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as to promote emotional healing and balance. Its unique appearance and metaphysical properties have made it a popular choice for those seeking to incorporate crystals into their spiritual and healing practices.

How to Use Howlite Crystal for Calming and Stress Relief

Howlite Crystal Benefits How to Use
Calming effect Hold the crystal in your hand and take deep breaths
Stress relief Place the crystal under your pillow while sleeping
Enhances patience Carry the crystal with you throughout the day

Howlite crystal can be used in a variety of ways to promote calming and stress relief. One popular method is to carry a piece of howlite with you throughout the day, either in your pocket or worn as jewelry. This allows you to benefit from the calming properties of the stone wherever you go. Howlite can also be placed in your home or workspace to promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Placing howlite near your bed can also help promote restful sleep and reduce anxiety.

Another popular method for using howlite for calming and stress relief is through meditation. Simply holding a piece of howlite in your hand while meditating can help quiet the mind and promote a sense of inner peace. You can also place howlite on your body during meditation to help promote emotional healing and balance. Some people also use howlite in crystal grids or layouts to amplify its calming properties and create a peaceful environment.

Howlite Crystal in Healing and Meditation Practices

Howlite crystal has long been used in healing and meditation practices for its calming and stress-relieving properties. In crystal healing, howlite is often used to help alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as to promote emotional healing and balance. It is believed to help release negative emotions and promote a sense of inner peace. Howlite is also used to promote positive communication and self-expression, making it an ideal stone for those seeking emotional healing and balance.

In meditation practices, howlite is often used to quiet the mind and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Holding a piece of howlite while meditating can help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as promote emotional healing and balance. Howlite can also be placed on the body during meditation to help promote a sense of inner peace and calm. Its unique appearance and metaphysical properties make it a popular choice for those seeking to incorporate crystals into their healing and meditation practices.

Howlite Crystal in Jewelry and Decor

Howlite crystal is commonly used in jewelry making due to its unique appearance and calming properties. It is often used in beaded bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and pendants, as well as in decorative items such as bookends, paperweights, and figurines. Howlite is often dyed to resemble other stones such as turquoise or lapis lazuli, making it a versatile choice for jewelry designers. Its affordable price point also makes it an attractive option for those seeking the look of more expensive stones without the hefty price tag.

In addition to jewelry, howlite is also used in home decor items such as candle holders, coasters, and decorative bowls. Its calming properties make it an ideal choice for creating a peaceful environment in the home or workspace. Howlite is often used in feng shui practices to promote a sense of calm and tranquility, making it a popular choice for those seeking to create a harmonious living space.

Where to Find and Purchase Howlite Crystal

Howlite crystal can be found at many metaphysical shops, crystal stores, and online retailers. When purchasing howlite, it’s important to buy from reputable sources to ensure that you are getting genuine howlite rather than a dyed imitation. Look for sellers who provide information about the origin of the stone and its metaphysical properties.

Online retailers such as Etsy, Amazon, and specialized crystal websites often have a wide selection of howlite jewelry, decorative items, and loose stones available for purchase. Many brick-and-mortar metaphysical shops also carry howlite crystal in various forms, including tumbled stones, raw specimens, and carved items.

When purchasing howlite crystal, consider what form you would like it in – whether that’s jewelry, loose stones for meditation or crystal grids, or decorative items for your home or workspace. It’s also important to consider the quality of the stone – look for pieces that are free from cracks or chips and have a vibrant appearance. Whether you’re looking for howlite for its calming properties or its unique appearance, there are many options available for purchasing this versatile crystal.

Discover the calming and soothing properties of howlite crystal in our latest article. Howlite is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a popular choice for those seeking inner peace and emotional balance. If you’re interested in exploring the spiritual significance of numbers, check out our related article on numerology and the power of number 3. Understanding the energetic vibrations of numbers can complement your journey with howlite crystal and enhance your spiritual growth.